Bernardo FKS 1600 Pro - Issue with blade alignment

Steen L

16. September 2024
Hi all

I think I have made a big mistake after rearranging my workshop (garage). I found the saw blade alignment to be off afterwards and to realign I loosened the two bolt on the first pictures and used a screwdriver to correct the angle of the blade to the main tisch. This worked well without any issues and the 5 cut is spot on again. However later I had to do some 45deg angle cuts and found that the blade in this position was Not aligned. Then started to re-adjust and this time I also included the other set of bolt in the seek to get it perfect in both 0 and 45 degrees. However - still struggling...

Have any of you any guidance on how to get the setting right (reset) again on these - e.g. step 1 2 3... ?

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